Aidan Augustine Short

Aidan was a typical little brother. Third of three boys, he couldn't wait to do what his big brothers could do on the basketball court or baseball field. At the age of 5, he could show you all the steps of a perfect pitch and at 8 he was suggesting plays to his coaches who said most of the time he was right. Aidan was the talker of the three, he loved to joke around and his Grandad called him a “Good ‘Ol Boy”. 

At the age of 17, Aidan told his teacher that his mission in life was to help others. He wanted nothing more than to make life better for those around him and make sure he was having fun while doing so. He didn't always do his homework - instead, he was visiting a friend in the hospital that really needed him. Aidan would light up any time he was talking about coaching the little kids at Holy Cross Grade School. He was learning what it felt like to have the Holy Spirit work through him, and he had this incredible gift of knowing when somebody felt like they were an outsider and then he would draw them in with this infectious smile and grin.

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The Tragic Accident

On March 24th, 2018, only a mile from home, 17-year-old Aidan Short was tragically involved in a fatal car accident. His absence was immediately felt by the entire St. Joseph’s High School community.

The Servant King

This Servant King is the first of three foundation documents that together capture the happenings that led to the initial institution of the Aidan’s Masterpiece club at St. Joseph High School. 

Aidan’s father, Tim, told the story of the Servant King three times.  The first was after baseball practice a couple of days after the accident.  The baseball and softball teams had gathered to say the Rosary.  In the end, moved by the Spirit, Tim walked down from the top row of the bleachers where he and Denise were sitting and told the story.  

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Kathy’s Conversation with Aidan

Kathy Kershner is a theology teacher at St. Joe, and, at the time of the accident, was also the Coordinator for Christian Service.

A few days before the accident, she was substituting for another teacher in a class that included Aidan.  At the end of that class, she had an encounter with Aidan that made an impression on her.  The importance of that encounter was magnified for her in the days following the news. 

Fr. Vince’s Homily

During Aidan’s funeral mass, Fr. Vince gave his homily about the composer Puccini, who died of cancer before he finished his final symphony. It would have been a tragedy, but his friends got together and finished it for him.

In that same way, Fr. Vince set the mission of our organization, with his challenge to finish Aidan’s Masterpiece of spreading love, peace, and joy to the community.

Aidan’s Masterpiece

To complete Aidan’s Masterpiece of service to others, our organization has begun a variety of projects around the South Bend community.

St. Joe’s High School

Alongside St. Joseph’s High School, Aidan’s Masterpiece has organized and run a dozen projects within the South Bend community. We hope to bring people together who believe in Aidan’s mission of service, and love for others.

Catherine Griffin House

The Catherine Griffin house is a residence for homeless adults to help them have stable housing and assist them in regaining control of their lives by gaining employment and their own housing. Once the worry of where to sleep at night is resolved they can focus on building their lives again. .

Jesus Gallery

The JESUS Gallery is not another church.  It is nothing like a church.  But it is not a substitute for a church either.  It is simply another way to share the story of Jesus with the world.