December Newsletter

Thanks to all of you who have shown us your support since the Catherine Griffin House Dedication Event in July. The past couple months have been mostly about letting the guys settle in. Robert, Timothy and Howell knew each other before moving in, but they had never lived together before. No one, not even them, knew for sure how things would work out once they started occupying the same space, but thankfully they have gotten along even better than anyone might have hoped for. A real spirit of fellowship and camaraderie seems to be developing in the house.

Community Outreach

In September, the guys held an impromptu cookout on Labor Day and got a few neighbors together for a meal. Recently, they have been cooking breakfast for several neighborhood kids before school three days a week if the parents will bring them by before they get on the bus. The guys, despite being on limited incomes themselves, have been purchasing milk and cereal on their own. Some days, they even splurge enough to provide bacon and eggs.

They also have taken on responsibility for the day-to- day chores at the house. Not only are they mowing their own lawn, but they have been mowing lawns for the neighbors as well. They have also thoroughly cleaned the interior of the house, fixed some screens, done some painting and helped with landscaping. All this is ensuring that the house is keeping fresh.

This is important because The Jesus Shop has started operating once again in the house. Deacon John Tugman is still conducting some of his meetings virtually, but on Friday afternoons from 4 to 5:30 PM he is hosting people at the house for Jesus Gallery get togethers. Often, Robert or one of the other men will take part and bring their unique perspectives to the discussion on various chapters of the Bible. In mid-October they were about halfway through the gospel of John, but by now they may be back into Matthew.

Feel free to stop by on Friday during that time and see what the Jesus Gallery is all about. You won’t be disappointed.

Happenings in the House

A few weeks ago, there was a meal at the house that included Mike Griffin, his kids, and two of his sisters that were in town visiting. We had baked chicken, rigatoni, a great fruit salad and some wonderful desert. We had a great chance to connect with the guys more and understand what they would like to do to keep the momentum going forward. Robert, Howell, and Timothy really enjoyed meeting more of the Griffin family.

Catherine Griffin House Ministry

At the Holy Cross Parish Ministry Fair, there was a table for the Catherine Griffin House that allowed signups for volunteering at the house to occur. Ten folks took this opportunity to offer themselves to serve at the house. We would like to see meals with the guys become a regular event with various groups from the parish acting as sponsors and getting across the street and into the neighborhood to meet the guys. Eventually, we might be able to expand this effort to include some of the neighbors. The guy’s initiative to provide breakfast for kids in the neighborhood also seems to be ready made for Holy Cross folks to get involved by providing supplies if nothing else. Carol Napoli has agreed to head up this ministry. To get involved by sponsoring a meal or donating breakfast supplies, please contact Carol at

Home Sweet Home

We are beginning to look at several projects for the home that need to be done to keep it in good shape for the long run. The first and most important is to put a new roof on the main house. We have received quotes from several local contractors and believe this will take about $8,000 to complete. The work will be scheduled for next spring. If you are able and willing to help with this expense, please go to the link for donations to help. Your donation is fully tax deductible, and you will receive a proper receipt when your donation is completed.

In the longer term, there are additional screens that need to be repaired or replaced, there is some waterproofing work that needs to be done in the basement, and we need to make repairs and upgrades to the front porch. The garage also needs a new overhead door to help keep bikes and the mower secure. Further down the line, it would be nice for the guys if the kitchen cabinets and countertops were upgraded. We will be sure to keep you informed as these projects come closer to reality.

Again, Denise and I, and Mike and his family, want to thank you for all the support you have shown so far. It is too early to say what the mission of Aidan’s Masterpiece and the Catherine Griffin House might ultimately evolve into, but we feel as if we are off to a great start.

Please keep us and this ministry in your prayers. During this holiday season, may God’s blessings be upon you, your families, and all those you may be praying for at this time.


The Short Family | Aidan’s Masterpiece


The Five Year Anniversary